My mother would tell you that I've been writing since before I could write. When I was little, I would make up stories and write them in pictures or nonsense in columns, then gladly share my creative genious with whoever would listen.
I was in elementary school, probably about the third grade, when I finished reading one of my favorite childhood books, Goblins in the Castle by Bruce Coville, for the umpteenth time. Sad that I had finished it yet again, I had a sudden epiphany on the bus ride home: Somebody has to write this stuff . . . that would be the coolest job ever! And that's been a goal of mine ever since -- to write wonderful books! And through the years I wrote all sorts of horribly written yet very heartfelt stories.
I received my Bachelor of Arts from BYU-Idaho in 2009 in English with a creative writing emphasis. I later earned my Master of Arts in English, writing and literature, in 2013. A short story of mine, "Printed" was published via an online magazine called Aurora Wolf in May 2012. And my first full-length novel, The Perfect Fool is due to be published in April 2015 by Cedar Fort Publishing. I couldn't be more thrilled. Life is an adventure!