Carol Lynn Pearson has been a professional writer, speaker, and performer for many years. Many of her poems have been reprinted in such places as Ann Landers’ column and Chicken Soup for the Soul, as well as in college literary textbooks. The poems appear now in a compilation, Picture Window (1996). Her autobiography Goodbye, I Love You (1986) tells the story of her marriage to a homosexual man, their divorce, ongoing friendship, and her caring for him as he died of AIDS. Carol Lynn has written numerous educational motion pictures, including the well-known Cipher in the Snow (1973), as well as many plays and musicals, two of which were commissioned by Sundance Theater. She both wrote and acted in Mother Wove the Morning (1989). She has written seven inspirational books under the series title Fables for Our Times. Her most recent book, Consider the Butterfly: Transforming Your Life through Meaningful Coincidence, was a finalist in the Inspirational/Spiritual category of the 2002 Independent Publishers Book Awards. She is the mother of four grown children and lives in Walnut Creek, California, where she recently spearheaded a project called “Voices to Afghanistan” to help teach English to Afghani schoolchildren. [from Discoveries: Two Centuries of Poems by Mormon Women, 111]
A homemaker-writer from Provo, Utah, she is widely known among Mormon readers as the author of two volumes of poetry, Beginnings (1965) and The Search (1970). She has recently achieved a wide readership for her compilation Daughters of Light (1973). Her play Pegora the Witch, and her Mormon musical The Order is Love, have been widely produced, as have Think Your Way to a Million and Martyr-in-Waiting. A thorough-going professional, Mrs. Pearson has published widely in LDS and non-Mormon periodicals and has written several films for the Brigham Young University Motion Picture Studio.
Actress, Author, Poet, Story, Writer
Pearson has also written poetry not related to the Church in BYU Studies Quarterly.