Carolle Plouf Denton was born in Minneapolis, Minnesota to Felix and Aura Cyr Plouf on September 2, 1924. She married Donald W. Denton September 26, 1946 in Salt Lake City. The marriage was solemnized March 23, 1948 in the Salt Lake Temple. She was the mother of 11 children and yet managed to earn a Bachelor's of Arts degree from Brigham Young University. She had many callings in the LDS Church, including Stake Young Women's President. She served three full-time mission, two in Africa with her husband and one in Kentucky after his death. She received the Yule Candle Award form the Ephraim Middle School. She and her husband Don were the Snow College Institute Sweetheart Couple and she was the grand marshal of the Sanpete County Fair Parade in 2006.
Carolle Plouf Denton
LDS (member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints)