Clifton Holt Jolley is known in Utah as a newspaper columnist and host of PBS Civic Dialogue; he has been published in the New York Times, Dialogue, Sunstone, Western Folklore, and others; each of his two documentaries for PBS have been Emmy nominated (always a bridesmade…); he is the father of 6, grandfather of 11, and spouse of 1 (as of this printing) who has been awarded for “Criticism and Commentary” by the Associated Press, and his book—Children’s Voices—is perennially available as a “remainder” on Amazon.
Work also found on page 64 of the Autumn 1972 issue of .
San Luis Obispo, California
Brigham Young University, Brigham Young University Hawaii, Newspaper columnist, Host of PBS Civic Dialogue
Professor, Media production company owner
"I do not smile. Ever. And until healthcare reform passes, I won't. And then: only if a Republican says something funny. Which means: I do not smile. Ever."