He has been doing portraits since he was about 11 years old! He loves drawing people. He has always been able to capture likeness's rather easily. It's been a blessing in his life and hopefully in others as well. He was lucky enough to have a wonderful high school art teacher - Bob Whitney - who really helped him to develop his drawing skills. He offered an intense program of art training for students who were serious about becoming artists. He ended up getting an art scholarship to Ricks College where he attended for a year before a church mission where he served for 2 years in Japan. After that he attended BYU and then graduated with honors from Utah State University with a Bachelor of Fine Arts Degree. He works as a Graphic Designer full time for a company by the name of Kiddie Kandids in their Marketing Department. However, his passion is drawing and painting and has continued to do both for many years now. He gets quite a few commissions every year and hopes to get many more.
I hope that you can enjoy these pieces with the spirit in which they were painted. I have loved every minute of painting these and wanted to create something that would influence people for good. I hope you will find something in them that will touch your spirit and remind you that you are a loved child of our Heavenly Father.