Donald R. Marshall was reared in Panguitch, Utah, but presently resides in Provo, Utah. An emeritus professor of humanities at Brigham Young University, Marshall has won awards in painting, photography, composing, directing, and set designs. Marshall began his writin career early, winning, at fifteen, a silver medal in The Deseret News for "excellence in writing and art." Other writing awards include first place in the 1988 Utah Arts Council Contest and first place in the 1989 Deseret Book Children's Book Contest. Stories from his collection Frost in the Orchard won an AML award for fiction in 1978. His story, "Lavender Blue," was published in Sunstone (March-April 1981) and in Greening Wheat: Fifteen Mormon Stories (Orion Books, 1983). He has published a collection of stories, Frost in the Orchard (Brigham Young University Press 1977; Deseret Book, 1985); a novel Zinnie Stokes, Zinnie Stokes (Deseret Book, 1984); and a children's book, Enchantress of Crumbledown, (Deseret Book, 1990). His short story "The Week-end," which was also included in A Believing People (Brigham Young University Press, 1974), is from his first collection, The Rummage Sale (Heirloom Publications, 1972; republished by Peregrine Smith, 1975; Deseret Book, 1985; Tabernacle Books, 1999).
Donald Marshall
LDS (Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints)
Along with his wife, Jean, Marshall has faithfully attended BYU's Homecoming Spectacular for more than four decades. They annually bring a group of more than 20 friends to "the best show in town."
He graduated from BYU in 1960 with a Bachelor's degree in Art and in 1965 with a Master's degree in American Literature.