19 Works by Elizabeth C. Porter
Title | Role | Year | Genre | |
A Pionner Trousseau | Author | 1933 | Fiction | |
Father Has His Day | Author | 1936 | Short Story | |
Gwineth Gwin | Author | 1938 | Short Story | |
Grains of Gold and Golden Grain | Author | 1938 | Short Story | |
West with the Ox Teams | Author | 1941 | Poetry | |
Angel Moroni | Author | 1949 | Poetry | |
The Scent of Hyacinth | Author | 1924 | Fiction | |
The Face in the Mirror | Author | 1929 | Fiction | |
The Girl Who Came Back | Author | 1915 | Fiction | |
Mother Passes Through the Shadows | Author | 1916 | Fiction | |
The Christmas Awakening | Author | 1918 | Fiction | |
The Spirit of the Lilies | Author | 1919 | Fiction | |
The Assignation | Author | 1919 | Fiction | |
The Bride | Author | 1919 | Fiction | |
The Thanksgiving of Annie Adams | Author | 1921 | Fiction | |
Mother's Christmas Decision at Windrift | Author | 1921 | Fiction | |
The Battle on the Heights | Author | 1923 | Fiction | |
The Resurrection of Leah Brian | Author | 1924 | Fiction | |
The Road to Destiny | Author | 1928 | Fiction |