Eugene England was critic, essayist, teacher, and pioneering scholar in the field of Mormon letters. He is responsible for many of the advances in Mormon letters in the twentieth century. In 1966 he founded
Dialogue: A Journal of Mormon Thought, which has provided a venue for the publication of Mormon stories, poetry, and criticism. He has more recently edited anthologies of Mormon poetry, short fiction, and criticism (see below). He has shaped both the past and future of Mormon writing through the Association for Mormon Letters, which he cofounded and has actively promoted, through his book reviews and through his scholarly assessment of the Latter-day Saints\' literary tradition. His most complete overview of Mormon literature is
\"Mormon Literature: Progress and Prospects\". England championed the personal essay as a genre for Mormon expression, authoring three books of essays and promoting the form for others. Eugene England taught Mormon Literature at Brigham Young University from 1977-98 and was Writer in Residence at Utah Valley State College until his untimely passing in August, 2001.