Gideon Burton is Assistant Professor of English at Brigham Young University where he teaches Renaissance literature, literature of the Latter-Day Saints, and rhetoric. He maintains the Mormon Literature Website, part of which has now become the Mormon Literature Database. He has published sonnets with LDS themes in BYU Studies, Literature and Belief, and Irreantum. He currently edits Mormon Literary Library, a reprint series published by Tabernacle Books. He and his wife, Karen, live in Springville, Utah with their children.
Gideon Burton
LDS (Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints)
Rulon T. Burton and Josephine Omer
Karen Mello
Perry, Adam, Lear, Gray
Example of work can be found on page 77 of the Spring 2001 issue of Irreantum.
Murray, Utah
Canada Montreal (1983-85)
B.A., English Brigham Young University, 1989
M.A., English, University of Southern California, 1992
M.P.W. (Master of Professional Writing), University of Southern California, 1995
Ph.D., Rhetoric, Linguistics, & Literature, University of Southern California, 1994
Professor at Brigham Young University since 1994
Association for Mormon Letters; International Society for the History of Rhetoric; Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association