Father: Moses Thatcher Allred
Mother: Edna Pearl Oberhansly
11 children, 59 grandchildren, and 14 greats
Areas of Academic Interest:
Fiction, biographical, and magazine article writing
Contemporary literature
He is a fifth degree black belt in the kenpo karate system.
Other interests:
Health, Physical Fitness (fifth-degree black belt, kempo karate system), Religion, Classical music
University of Utah, M.A. in Journalism with English Minor
Northwestern University, one year of Doctorate in Journalism
University of Utah, Ph.D. in Creative Writing and Contemporary Literature
Weber State University, Professor of English where he taught for 48 years.
Member of Hemingway Foundation Board of Trustees
Starfire won first place in the Utah Fine Arts Creative Writing Contest, and he received the Utah Author of The Year Award later for his writing in general.