J. Scott Bronson is a playwright, actor, and stage director. He was artistic director of the Little Theater at the Covey Center of Arts in Provo, Utah. He was also on the board of trustees for the Castle Theater’s Actor’s Repertory Theatre Ensemble (ARTE).
Scott Everett Bronson, Scott Bronson
LDS (Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints)
Bronson has survived several bouts with cancer. He and his wife are the parents of five children
San Diego, California
Indonesia, Jakarta (1978-80)
BA from University of the State of New York (1993), San Diego Mesa Jr. College, Brigham Young University
Playwright, actor, director
Board of Trustees, Actors' Repertory Theatre Ensemble (ARTE); Provo, UT
Author, Writer
1. 2nd place Mayhew Playwriting Contest at BYU; Heartlight: A Domestic Suite; 1984 (I think)
2. 2nd place Mayhew Playwriting Contest at BYU; Arthur's Place: A Romantic Fantasy of Sorts; 1986
3. Winner Sunstone Mormon One-act Playwriting Contest; Confessions; 1994
4. Winner Sunstone Mormon One-act Playwriting Contest; Altars, 1994
5. 3rd place Writers of the Future fiction contest; A Report From the Terran Project; 2nd quarter, 1995
6. Best Drama of 2001 Association for Mormon Letters; Stones; 2001