John Lyon (1803-89), a Utah pioneer, served as a missionary in England and is the author of two collections of verse, Harp of Zion (1853) and Songs of a Pioneer, published posthumously by his son in 1923. Lyon's poetry, like that of Eliza R. Snow, provides interesting literary and historical insights into early Mormonism.
Included in 75 Significant Mormon Poets
Janet Thomson (married either December 1 or 4, 1825, or February 23, 1826), Caroline Holland (married March 28, 1856).
John Lyons was also sealed by proxy to several women who were either dead or geographically removed from him: Lillias Thomson, Catherine Alexander, Jeanie Osborne, Jean Calderwood, Margaret Lyon, Janet Lyon, Mary Lyon (July 17, 1871 for all previous); Elsie Marie Andersen, Johanna Kristine Christensen, Ane Marie Petersen, Johanna Marie Thomson, Keren Andersen, Ane Marie Otteson (April 8, 1874)
With Janet: Thomas (1826), Janet (1829), Annie (1831), Robert T. (1832), John, Jr. (1835), Lillias (1836), David C. (1838), Matthew T. (1842), Mary (1844), Margaret (1846), Agnes (1848), Franklin D. Richards (1849)
With Caroline Holland: Joseph Young (1857), Sarah Elizabeth (1859), William Augustus (1861), David Ross (1864), Alexander (1866), James (1869), Eliza Snow (1872)
March, 4, 1803
Glasgow, Lanarkshire, Scotland
November 28, 1889
England Worcester Conference (1849-1852), President of Glasgow Conference (1852-1853), Utah Territory (1855-1857)
Grammar School (1810-1812)
Apprentice to weaver (1812-1815)
Apprentice to cotton-spinner (1815-1819)
Glasgow night school (1819-1824)
Kilmarnock night school (1828-1830)
weaver; spinner; writer for newspapers; newspaper man for the Ayr Advertiser (1829-1830), Kilmarnock Chronicle (1831-1832), Kilmarnock Journal and Ayrshire Advertiser (1834-1840), Witness (1840-1842), Ayrshire Examiner (1839), Western Watchman and Ayr and Galloway Herald (1842-1844), Ayrshire Agriculturist (1843-1848), Kilmarnock Herald (1844-1848); superintendent of the Endowment House (1855-1885); territorial librarian (1860-1876), janitor, theatre critic, teacher of elocution
Kilmarnock Philosophical Institution (1827-?), 37th Quorum of Seventies (1854-death), Polysophical Society (1854-?), Universal Scientific Society (1855-?), Deseret Typographical Association/ Deseret Press Association (1855-?), Deseret Agricultural and Manufacturing Society (1857-?)