Julie Wright was born in Salt Lake City, Utah. She’s lived in LA, Boston, and the literal middle of nowhere (don’t ask). She wrote her first book when she was fifteen, and has since written nineteen novels–ten of which are traditionally published. Julie was nominated for the Whitney award for her novel Eyes Like Mine and won the Whitney award for best romance in 2010 with her novel Cross My Heart. She has been awarded the Crown Heart award for The Fortune Café. She is agented by Sara Crowe at Harvey Klinger Inc.
She has one husband, three kids, one dog, and a varying amount of fish, frogs, and salamanders (depending on attrition).
She loves writing, reading, traveling, speaking at schools, hiking, playing with her kids, and watching her husband make dinner.
She used to speak fluent Swedish, but now speaks only well enough to cuss out her children in public settings.
She hates mayonnaise and the fickle comma.