Karen Marguerite Moloney, professor of English at Weber State University, earned a PhD in Modern British and Anglo-Irish literature at University of California at Los Angeles and wrote a poetry thesis for her creative writing master’s thesis at Brigham Young University. She has published literary criticism (on Irish writers and postcolonialism), essays, reviews, and poetry in
Twentieth Century Literature, The Jacaranda Review, Dialogue, Sunstone, Weber Studies, BYU Studies, Exponent II, the
Ensign, Westwind, Wye, and several essay collections. Her hymn lyrics appeared in the 1978–79 Young Women’s Laurel manual, and her poems have been anthologized in
Harvest: Contemporary Mormon Poems (1989). Her writing awards include the Fred Weld Herman Memorial Prize from the Academy of American Poets for “Relinquishing,” the Carole Elzer Poetry Award, and Wrst-place awards in the Mayhew and Mormon Arts poetry contests. She served as the editor of Dialogue for its special 2004 issue on war and peace. [from
Discoveries: Two Centuries of Poems from Mormon Women, 109]
Included in
75 Significant Mormon Poets
from Whittier, California