Marnie L. Pherson was born and raised in the Chattanooga, Tennessee area. An avid enthusiast of family history. Marnie integrates elements of the places, people and events of her Southern family and heritage into her historical fiction romances. Marnie's life is steeped in Southern history from the little town of Daisy that she grew up in to the 24 acres bordering the famous Chickamauga Battlefield upon which her family resides.
Marne's background is in inspirational works such Lord, Are You Sure? Her first novel, The Patriot Wore Petticoats, is based on the true story of Marnie's heroic fourth great grandmother, Laodicea "Daring Dicey" Langston. It was Dicey's remarkable life story and the encouragement from her friend, Marcia Lynn McClure, that persuaded her to step outside her typical inspirational titles to venture into historical fiction. With Marne's inspirational writing background, you can always count on a moral to every story.
Marnie and her husband Greg live with their six children in Ringgold, Georgia in a house that Marnie designed.