Merle "Penny" Emery Feriante was born July 21, 1926, the third of five children born to Eugene Emery Jr. and Guinavere Hunter Emery in Oakley, Idaho. She graduated from Oakley High School. During World War II, while working as secretary to the Camp Rupert Post Judge Advocate, she met the love of her life, Jerry Paul Feriante. They married May 4, 1946, after the war ended, and settled in San Mateo, Calif. After Jerry joined the LDS Church, they and their young children were soon sealed in the Salt Lake LDS Temple. Penny was an author and wrote a book about ranch life in the Old West. She was also published in the Relief Society Magazine.
Merle "Penny" Emery Feriante
LDS (member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints)