Michael L. Umphrey is a photographer and author who lives in St. Ignatius, Montana. His publications include The Breaking Edge, 1988, University of Montana and The Lit Window, 1987, Cleveland State University Poetry Center. In 2007 he published a book on education, The Power of Community-Centered Education: Teaching as a Craft of Place.
LDS (member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints)
Valerie Pierce Umphrey
Glasgow, Montana
MFA, University of Montana (1989)
Michael L. Umphrey has been Director of the Heritage Project since 1995. Before that, he was a high school principal as well as a journalism, English, art and photography teacher. His writing on education has been published in such journals as Educational Leadership, Teacher Magazine, and Holistic Education.
Author, Photographer, Teacher
Michael L Umphrey's first book of poems, the Lit Window, was selected by Cleveland State University's Poetry Center as Volume XXII in it series of Contemporary Poetry. His second book, The Breaking Edge, won the Merriam-Frontier Award in 1987. His poem, In the Shadow of the Sun, won Ensign magazine's annual poetry contest in 1988.