BA Mathematics,1950 Arizona State Tempe
MA Adm of State and Local School Systems,1954 Arizona State Tempe
EdD Adm - emphasis Higher Education Arizona State University Tempe
Author is a retired career educator who had served as a teacher, tutor and instructor of mathematics in high schools and colleges, and as an administrator with many titles including dean,vice president and chief executive officer, over a 30 year period 1950 to 1980. He spent the next twenty years researching and writing the spiritual history of the Lord's covenant people and placing this history on a single continuum, beginning with Adam and covering all dispensations of time up through the Millennium. The series emphasizes what the prophets of these dispensations said about God's work and glory and our role in it. Sources include the King James Version of the Old and New Testaments; the Joseph Smith Translation; the Jewish Maoretic Text; the Antiquities and Legends of the Jews; the Book of Mormon; the Doctrine and Covenants; some sources from the Dead Sea scrolls and related writings.