Pansye Powell was a school teacher for 41 years. She taught in Missouri, Illinois, Colorado, Utah, and Pennsylvania. After her husband's death, she and her son moved to Utah. She was the charter president of the Utah Council of Teachers of English and first chairman of the state poetry day in Utah. She was president of the Art Barn Poets as well. Pansye published a book of poems, 300 other poems, 10 short stories, nine articles, and three songs. She enjoyed traveling and had been around the world.
Pansye Hawkins Powell
Was published in an LDS work.
University of Missouri; University of Utah; University of Wyoming; Rutgers University
Delta Kappa Gamma; Chi Delta Phi; American Poetry League; American Association of University Women; Utah State Poetry Society; Pennsylvania State Poetry Society; National League of American Pen Women; Ladies' Literary Club; American Association of Retired Persons; League of Utah Writers; Central Christian Church