Silas L. Cheney was born January 11, 1893 in Huntington, Utah. He was the son of David and Lodema Hutchings Cheney. He married Klara Young on June 22, 1917 in the Salt Lake Temple. He was active in the LDS Church, serving a mission to Germany before World War I and finishing in the Eastern States Mission when war broke out. He was also a veteran of World War I. He taught school in St. John's, Arizona, Castle Dale, Utah, and Davis High School, Granite High School. He was a seminary principal in Magna, Ephraim, and Kamas High Schools. He wrote books the the LDS Department of Education. Cheney died on March 22, 1971 at his home in Salt Lake City, Utah.
Active LDS. Was published in an LDS work and wrote books for the L.D.S Department of Eduction.