Steven L. Peck is an evolutionary biologist, blogger, poet, and novelist. He grew up in Moab, Utah, and lives in Pleasant Grove. He is a professor of biology at Brigham Young University. He has won many awards for his creative writing including being the two-time winner of the Association of Mormon Letters Novel Award (The Scholar of Moab, 2011; Gilda Trillim, 2017), and once for short story (Two-Dog Dose, 2014). His novel (2019) King Leere: Goatherd of the La Sals was a semi-finalist in Black Lawrence Press’s Big Moose Prize and received a starred-review from Publishers Weekly. In addition to his poetry collection, Incorrect Astronomy, he has published two short stories collections. His work has appeared in numerous venues including, Nature Futures, New Myths, Pedestal Magazine, Prairie Schooner, Red Rock Review, and other places. He also has two nonfiction books exploring issues of faith and science (Evolving Faith and Science the Key to Theology).
Steven L. Peck
LDS (Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints)
Example of work can be found on page 155 of the Summer 1988 issue of Dialogue: A Journal of Mormon Thought.
Received a bachelor's degree from Brigham Young University (1986) in statistics and computer science with a minor in zoology; MA in environmental bio-statistics from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; PhD from North Carolina State University in biomathematics and entomology.