Relationship |
Work |
Contributors |
Genre |
Includes |
Advent, pages 294 |
Clinton F. Larson
Poetry |
Includes |
A Gathering of Saints, pages 305-308 |
David Lane Wright
Poetry |
Includes |
A Letter from Israel Whiton, 1851, pages 292-293 |
Clinton F. Larson
Poetry |
Includes |
A Literary Critic Looks at the Book of Mormon, pages 213-219 |
Robert K. Thomas
Criticism |
Includes |
A Name and a Blessing, pages 322 |
Dennis Marden Clark
Poetry |
Includes |
An Angel from on High, pages 272 |
Parley P. Pratt
Poetry |
Includes |
And They Shall be Gathered, pages 433-488 |
Martin Kelly
Drama |
Includes |
Any Object, pages 291-292 |
May Swenson
Poetry |
Includes |
Ararat, pages 279 |
Orson F. Whitney
Poetry |
Includes |
Arriving in Zion, pages 133-143 |
William Clayton
Diary / Journal |
Includes |
At Mountain Meadows, pages 316-317 |
R. A. Christmas
Poetry |
Includes |
Be Not Discouraged, pages 269-270 |
Eliza Roxcy Snow
Poetry |
Includes |
Brigham Young's Last Will and Testament, pages 110-111 |
Brigham Young
Letter |
Includes |
Cohabitation, pages 156-161 |
Joseph Smith Black
Diary / Journal |
Includes |
Come, Come Ye Saints, pages 273-274 |
William Clayton
Poetry |
Includes |
Come, O Thou King of Kings, pages 271 |
Parley P. Pratt
Poetry |
Includes |
Conference Remarks on Science and Religion, pages 173-176 |
Brigham Young
Personal Essay |
Includes |
Crossing the Plains, pages 125-133 |
Hosea Stout
Diary / Journal |
Includes |
Death Strikes the Handcart Company, pages 143-150 |
Mary Goble Pay
Diary / Journal |
Includes |
Discourse on the Plan of Salvation, pages 176-184 |
Orson Pratt
Personal Essay |
Includes |
Educating the Saints--A Brigham Young Mosaic, pages 219-234 |
Hugh W. Nibley
Personal Essay |
Includes |
Elect of Elohim, pages 280-282 |
Orson F. Whitney
Poetry |
Includes |
Estranged, pages 277 |
Augusta B. Joyce Crocheron
Poetry |
Includes |
Evening Prayer, pages 272-273 |
Parley P. Pratt
Poetry |
Includes |
Family Prayer, pages 267-268 |
John Lyon
Poetry |
Includes |
First Loss, pages 300-301 |
Emma Lou Thayne
Poetry |
Includes |
From the Land of Song, pages 315 |
Harrison M. Davis
Poetry |
Includes |
Gently Raise the Sacred Strain, pages 256 |
William W. Phelps
Poetry |
Includes |
Give, Said the Little Stream, pages 327-328 |
Poetry |
Includes |
Goodbye to Poplarhaven, pages 242-247 |
Edward A. Geary
Personal Essay |
Includes |
Granddaughter, pages 295 |
Clinton F. Larson
Poetry |
Includes |
Grandma, pages 87-91 |
Florence A. Merriam Bailey
Biography / Memoir |
Includes |
Guilt, pages 317 |
Carol Lynn Pearson
Poetry |
Includes |
Hay Derrick, pages 304 |
John Sterling Harris
Poetry |
Includes |
Heretic, pages 300 |
Emma Lou Thayne
Poetry |
Includes |
Heritage, pages 319-321 |
Clifton Holt Jolley
Poetry |
Includes |
High on the Mountain Top, pages 268 |
Joel H. Johnson
Music Lyrics |
Includes |
Historical Chips, pages 150-156 |
Priddy Meeks
Diary / Journal |
Includes |
Home Literature, pages 203-207 |
Orson F. Whitney
Criticism |
Includes |
Home Reminiscences of Unce Will Brooks, pages 94-102 |
Juanita Leavitt Brooks
Biography / Memoir |
Includes |
Hope of Israel, pages 278 |
Joseph L. Townsend
Music Lyrics |
Includes |
Hosanna Anthem, pages 257 |
William W. Phelps
Poetry |
Includes |
Hot Weather in Tucson, pages 287 |
Arthur Henry King
Poetry |
Includes |
How Great the Wisdom and the Love, pages 268-269 |
Eliza Roxcy Snow
Poetry |
Includes |
How I Became a "Mormon", pages 92-93 |
Karl G. Maeser
Biography / Memoir |
Includes |
Human Anguish and Divine Love, pages 235-242 |
Truman G. Madsen
Personal Essay |
Includes |
I Am a Child of God, pages 328 |
Naomi W. Randall
Poetry |
Includes |
Indian Episode of Early Days, pages 83-87 |
S. A. Kenner
Biography / Memoir |
Includes |
Invocation, or the Eternal Father and Mother |
Eliza Roxcy Snow
Poetry |
Includes |
Israel, Israel, God Is Calling, pages 275 |
Richard Smyth
Poetry |
Includes |
Joseph Smith Tells His Own Story, pages 13-16 |
Joseph Smith Jr.
Biography / Memoir |
Includes |
Lines on a Line, pages 289 |
Marden J. Clark
Poetry |
Includes |
Marriage Proposal, pages 255 |
Poetry |
Includes |
Meadow, pages 321-322 |
Dennis Marden Clark
Poetry |
Includes |
Millennium, pages 276 |
Ina Coolbrith
Poetry |
Includes |
Modern Christmas, pages 285 |
Christie Lund Coles
Poetry |
Includes |
Mormonism and Literature, pages 208-211 |
William Mulder
Criticism |
Includes |
Mormonism: An Eternal Quest, pages 211-213 |
P. A. Christensen
Personal Essay |
Includes |
My Father Tamed Wild Horses, pages 286 |
Veneta L. Nielsen
Poetry |
Includes |
My First View of a Western Prairie, pages 270 |
Eliza Roxcy Snow
Poetry |
Includes |
News Express, pages 316 |
Marilyn Brown
Poetry |
Includes |
Now Let Us Rejoice, pages 256 |
William W. Phelps
Poetry |
Includes |
Once I Lived in Cottonwood, pages 254-255 |
George Armstrong Hicks
Music Lyrics |
Includes |
On This Gray and Silver Day, pages 286 |
Arthur Henry King
Poetry |
Includes |
O, Say, What is Truth?, pages 274 |
John Jaques
Poetry |
Includes |
Parting, pages 277 |
Augusta B. Joyce Crocheron
Poetry |
Includes |
Praise to the Man, pages 257 |
William W. Phelps
Poetry |
Includes |
Protest Against the Science-thought of "A Dying Universe" and No Immortality for Man, pages 188-194 |
B. H. Roberts
Personal Essay |
Includes |
Pruning the Sage, pages 300 |
Emma Lou Thayne
Poetry |
Includes |
Reformation, pages 318 |
Charis Southwell
Poetry |
Reviewed in |
[Review of] A Believing People: Literature of the Latter-Day Saints |
Eugene England
Review |
Includes |
Ritual, pages 317 |
Carol Lynn Pearson
Poetry |
Includes |
Some Early Mormon "Fast Days", pages 78-83 |
Daniel Webster Jones
Biography / Memoir |
Includes |
Statement Before the World Expands, pages 321 |
Dennis Marden Clark
Poetry |
Includes |
Sterling and Jenny, pages 325-327 |
Ann Doty
Poetry |
Includes |
Sunday School Picture, pages 301-302 |
Emma Lou Thayne
Poetry |
Includes |
The Apostate, pages 266-267 |
John Lyon
Poetry |
Includes |
The Assassination of Emma Gray, pages 303-304 |
John Sterling Harris
Poetry |
Includes |
The Brothers: June 24, 1844, pages 284-285 |
S. Dilworth Young
Poetry |
Includes |
The Centaur, pages 290-291 |
May Swenson
Poetry |
Includes |
The Death and Burial of Jesus Christ, pages 39-44 |
James E. Talmage
History |
Includes |
The Fable of the Rose, pages 285 |
Vesta Pierce Crawford
Poetry |
Includes |
The First Year in the Valley, pages 34-39 |
Leonard J. Arrington
History |
Includes |
The Gentle Way, pages 289 |
Edward L. Hart
Poetry |
Includes |
The Handcart Song, pages 255 |
Poetry |
Includes |
The Heart of My Father, pages 308-315 |
Thomas Asplund
Poetry |
Includes |
The King Follett Discourse, pages 167-172 |
Joseph Smith Jr.
Personal Essay |
Includes |
The Long Steel Road, pages 282 |
Josephine Spencer
Poetry |
Includes |
The Martyrdom, pages 298 |
R. Paul Cracroft
Poetry |
Includes |
The Martyrdom: June 27, 1844, pages 74-78 |
John Taylor
History |
Includes |
The Missouri Persecutions, pages 16-25 |
B. H. Roberts
History |
Includes |
The Mormons, pages 26-34 |
Thomas L. Kane
History |
Includes |
The Morning Breaks; the Shadows Flee, pages 272 |
Parley P. Pratt
Poetry |
Includes |
The Pagans, pages 290 |
Lael W. Hill
Poetry |
Includes |
The True Strength of the Church, pages 195-198 |
Gordon B. Hinckley
Personal Essay |
Includes |
The Vision, pages 258-266 |
Joseph Smith Jr.
Poetry |
Includes |
The Wintry Day, Descending to Its Close, pages 279 |
Orson F. Whitney
Poetry |
Includes |
The Witness, pages 295 |
Clinton F. Larson
Poetry |
Includes |
Thoughts Within, pages 276-277 |
Augusta B. Joyce Crocheron
Poetry |
Includes |
To an Atheist, pages 317 |
Carol Lynn Pearson
Poetry |
Includes |
To Col. Wilson Andrew (July 6, 1849), pages 117-119 |
Ursulia B. Hascall
Letter |
Includes |
To Col. Wilson Andrews (April 1847), pages 113-115 |
Ursulia B. Hascall
Letter |
Includes |
Today's Dignitary, pages 315 |
Nolyn Hardy
Poetry |
Includes |
To Ellen Pratt McGary (Nov 4, 1856), pages 119 |
Ellen Spencer Clawson
Letter |
Includes |
To Emma Smith [1832], pages 107 |
Joseph Smith Jr.
Letter |
Includes |
To Emma Smith (August 16, 1840), pages 108 |
Joseph Smith Jr.
Letter |
Includes |
To Jacob Hamblin (1819-1886), pages 321 |
Dennis Drake
Poetry |
Includes |
To Joseph Smith (April 16, 1840), pages 108-109 |
Brigham Young
Letter |
Includes |
To Miss Ophelia M. Andrews (July 4, 1845), pages 111-113 |
Irene Hascall Pomeroy
Letter |
Includes |
To Miss Ophelia M. Andrews (March 5, 1848), pages 115-117 |
Irene Hascall Pomeroy
Letter |
Includes |
To Nephi, Seer of Olden Time, pages 278 |
Joseph L. Townsend
Poetry |
Includes |
To the Brethren Returning from Missions (May 8, 1854), pages 110 |
Brigham Young
Letter |
Includes |
To the Mormon Now Blessed With Roses Instead of Tar and Feathers, pages 317 |
Carol Lynn Pearson
Poetry |
Includes |
To Utah, pages 287-288 |
Edward L. Hart
Poetry |
Includes |
To W. W. Phelps (July 22, 1840), pages 109 |
Joseph Smith Jr.
Letter |
Includes |
Trip Toward Prayer, pages 323-325 |
Linda Sillitoe
Poetry |
Includes |
Up, Awake, Ye Defenders of Zion, pages 274-275 |
Charles W. Penrose
Poetry |
Includes |
Vade Mecum, pages 257-258 |
William W. Phelps
Poetry |
Includes |
Waking, pages 319 |
Charis Southwell
Poetry |
Includes |
What is a "Good Man"?, pages 185-187 |
J. Golden Kimball
Personal Essay |
Includes |
Widow Spring, pages 296-298 |
Max Golightly
Poetry |
Includes |
Ye Elders of Israel, pages 273 |
Cyrus H. Wheelock
Poetry |
Includes |
Young Joseph's Illness, pages 11-13 |
Lucy Mack Smith
History |