Salt Lake City, Utah: Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Mutual Improvement Association, March 1926
Fiction, Short Story
Richard, despite being a successful businessman and a thoughtful member of the Church, is unhappy because his wife wants nothing to do with the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints or Richard, and she is determined to keep their son, Kent, away as well. While studying in Boston, Kent meets Celia, whom he falls in love with, but he assumes that she hates members of the Church and thus pretends to hate them as well. Celia later tells him that she is a member of the Church, and she leaves because she assumes he hates her. Kent decides to go on a mission, delighting his father and angering his mother. On his mission he learns from a newspaper that Celia has married someone else; however, realizes that he is serving a mission for God, not for Celia. He teaches his mother about the gospel and his family reunites. When he returns home, he learns that the newspaper made a mistake, and that Celia never married and has forgiven him.