A profound sense of pointlessness drives Jon Reeves to desperate acts. Just when everyone expects contentment from a middle-aged Mormon man, Reeves flails blindly against the terrors of mid-life. This gripping novel taps the wellsprings of unfocused adult discontentment. [from back cover]
Jon is failing math and might not be use the college football scholarship he has been promised. In desperation, he turns to the brainiest and most socially inept student in school, Nancy, who only agrees to tutor him only because she imagines how fun it will be to see a football jock squirm under her tutelage.
What she hasn't forseen is that Jon will take her seriously—even the philosophical barbs she lobs at his naive assumptions about life. Could this "pass-catching, body-building connoisseur of jock straps," this Mormon boy on his way to a Utah college, actually have something under his noggin, she wonders? This well conceived and finely written novel traverses twists and turns and mind games that are all finely executed by author Michael Fillerup. [publisher blurb]