It's 1941. Little Michael Norwood was sent to a convent outside London during the bombings that killed his mother. His father, RAF fighter pilot, Jeffrey Norwood, reclaims him for a time, but the boy falls ill to pneumonia. On the point of death, he cries out for the Sister Catherine, the nun who was so good to him. Jeffrey obtains permission for her to attend Michael. Being with her turns the tide and he recovers. Now it's Sister Catherine and Jeffrey who have both been afflicted, by love, which is impossible. But Jeffrey is determined and asks her to leave the sisterhood to marry him. Sister Catherine is very devout, but she's also human. By the time she makes her decision, Jeffrey's on a special mission over the Pyrenees and she's sent to help the sisters in the Basque country. It all looks hopeless until she's sent into the mountains to help an injured British airman whose plane has been shot down… [author website]