Sent away to Paris when she was eighteen, thirty-five year old Alexandra Campbell has been shut out of their lives ever since. A convert to the church and recently widowed, Alex desperatly wants to have an eternal family. But her parents are strangely reluctant to reveal any details about her roots or to say why they abandoned her.
With the help of a friend, the colorful Brighamina Poulson, Alex uses her genealogical research skills to unlock a family secret. Putting together the puzzle of her genealogical identity, she must face the truth about her heritage as well as her own worst fears. In doing so, she finds her way at last to understanding and forgiveness. G.G. Vandagriff has written a compelling story filled with deception, blackmail, and even murder. Enough susupense and intrigue to satisfy the most seasoned mystery fans. [publisher's blurb]