When Captain Ritcherd Buchanan finally finds Kyrah, the woman he loves, on the other side of the Atlantic, they are still a very long way from the idyllic life that both had dreamed of. In a world turned inside out by war, treachery, and his own deep hatred for the evil Peter Westman, who had married Kyrah under false pretenses and viciously abused her, Ritcherd tumbles into an emotional maelstrom that uproots the anger and bitterness of his callous and aristocratic upbringing. The situation is further complicated by evidence that Captain Garret, his closest and truest friend, has fallen for Kyrah. Through the course of uncovering long-buried secrets, Ritcherd discovers an entirely new perspective on his unique bond with Garret, who has his own score to settle with Peter Westman. In the end, the truth and its consequences are staggering.
[from publisher's website]