Fiarah, the beautiful and magically skilled Historian, tells a tale of adventure and magic involving the people of Furth. Elf, Delf, Human, Undant, Troll, and Gnome have lived together in harmony for hundreds of annums, but that is changing. Where peace and magic have consistently been a way of life, suddenly turmoil and careless death ravage the countryside. This disruption of The Balance indicates that a Dark Sorcerer is again plaguing the land, and this time he is not making the mistakes of his predecessors. The adventure begins with Wit, a young delf, struggling against terrific odds to bring news to the Ministry at Delflia of a forbidden castle fortress built on their beloved mountain, Lightning Dance. A seemingly indifferent Ministry forces Wit and his friends to strike out and battle the evil alone. Castledance is the first in a six part epic fantasy series, From the Chronicles of Fiarah . . .