Contents: Bomber and the Bismarck by Clare Bell / A Puma and a Panther by Wilanne Schneider Belden / The Last Gift by Elizabeth H. Boyer / Papercut Luck by Patricia B. Cirone / Shado by Marylois Dunn / In Bastet’s Service by P. M. Griffin / Shadows by Caralyn Inks / The Execution by A. R. Major / Hermione at Moon House by Ardath Mayhar / Quest of Souls by Ann Miller & Karen Rigley / Ede’s Earrings by Sasha Miller / Clara’s Cat by Elizabeth N. Moon / Hob’s Pot by Andre Norton / The Queen’s Cat’s Tale by Elizabeth Ann Scarborough / The Keep-Shape Spell by Mary H. Schaub / Of Age and Wisdom by Roger C. Schlobin / Critical Cats by Susan M. Shwartz / In Carnation by Nancy Springer