Ain't marriage grand? In only two weeks of matrimonial bliss, Allison Alexander Allan has been shot at, dumped from a helicopter, kidnapped, drugged, imprisoned--well, you get the general idea. All in all, this is not your ordinary honeymoon. And it isn't over yet. Allison and her secret-agent husband, Bart, just settling into their cozy honeymoon cottage, are suddenly sucked into another web of mystery, murder, and intrigue. This time it's in San Francisco, where a rash of fires, robberies, and vandalism have erupted, and diamond-studded bodies keep turning up in unexpected places. Rumor has it that all of this might have something to do with an upcoming exhibition of the world's most prestigious--and valuable--diamonds. What do you think? When Bart is called to investigate and Allison goes along for the ride, she gets more than she bargained for. Still haunted by the slimy specter of an evil stalker she left for dead in Hawaii, she finds terror around every corner. As her life hangs in the balance, she learns to rely on a higher power for protection, and in a few quiet moments finds reassurance in the pages of the Book of Mormon--and in the arms of her new husband.
Once again, Lynn Gardner has woven a masterpiece of suspense, intrigue, and romance. Plan to spend the night with Diamonds and Danger! (Publisher website)