Romance, danger, suspense, murder, an explosion or two... it's all here, woven expertly into an action-packed romantic thriller you won't soon forget! Here's the scoop: Nothing is what it seems. Allison Alexander, home in California on a brief vacation from her work at the United States, is shot at and pursued by mysterious intruders who have taken over the estate on which she and her mother have lived as caretakers since Allison was a child. Thus begins a terror-filled week during which she discovers that nearly everyone she loves is involved in some way with an International espionage ring- but are they the good guys or the bad? Is Bart, the man she has loved since they played together as children, a secret government agent- or does he answer to an underworld crime boss? If she doesn't go along with his unbelievable scheme, will it cost them their lives? Does he really love her, or is he just using her? And what in the world is a Mormon bishop doing in the middle of all this?
One by one, Allison uncovers a host of mysterious secrets- and just when you think you've got it all figured out, there's another surprise to keep you guessing. This is a book to read when you've got all night, because you won't want to put it down. Heart-stopping entertainment for anyone who enjoys a great romantic thriller. [publsierhs' blurb]