Gwen and Edward Anderton’s bed and breakfast in the beautiful hills of Wales is a vacation spot, a hiding place, a refuge. For each guest, Haven is something different, tied to very individual reasons for being there. The current guests are no exception.
Belinda Hunt and her young son have fled to Haven to escape their past. The one thing Bel is sure of is that her angry, abusive husband will be on her trail—and very soon.
Brian McNaught takes his meals in his room, rebuffs all overtures of friendship, and disappears into the hills each day. He is fighting a personal battle, and Gwen struggles to reach out to him.
Edward’s daughter, Angela, has brought to Haven both her young family and her anger and bitterness towards her father’s new wife. As Gwen tries to reach out to Angela in love, she finds her cherished LDS faith is a particular stumbling block.
Then there are the handsome and bright young Irishmen, Steven and Danny, who have come to Wales for some outdoor adventure. The journey awaiting them, however, is more than they bargained for.