You're on Bernard II with the PPS team. After a hell of brimstone, marshes, and cataracts you've found complete contentment with silvery folk who dance with the wind. Can you leave this paradise in search for [sic] the stars?
You've come to Talisan to spread Christianity. Can you believe the Mark 184B that you're compatible with Vertality? Their missionaries are such ungodly looking parasites—how can they know the Truth?
You're allowed to have a child by a controlled experiment. Its android parents take over so it can be perfectly "sinless." Can it save humanity?
You're the last human alive after the invasion of the Lorsii. You used to rely on alcohol—can you save yourself now?
. . . alone with the Apocalypse or in league with Trelawney: You're unborn man in an unexplored environment. Using an untried language of fantasy freezes and media mazes. In ten possible futures you may find a flicker of faith—or a flame in FLAME TREE PLANET. [from back cover]