Sabrina's had it up to here with being constantly compared to her older sister, Kate. It seems everyone is always warning her to learn from Kate's experiences. Sabrina doesn't drink or smoke or even cuss and her friends are good LDS girls that she has gone to church with for years. But it's more than obvious that everyone is expecting her to get into the worst kind of trouble. Meanwhile, Kate, although very happily married to Mike Jeffries, is encountering some new challenges as a high school history and drama teacher in a small Idaho town. She has her hands more than full trying to please the school principal, who was against hiring her, and trying to help her students, who have their own problems. Like Bev, who can't get over the death of her mother and accept her new stepmother. And Karen, whose mother has just been released from prison. And Terri, who wants so desperately to fit in, she'll do almost anything. When Sabrina and her parents come to visit Kate, Sabrina meets Bev, Karen, and Terri, and all their lives are forever changed by one night on a dark mountain.