Zulu time is near completion. One moment lies between today and tomorrow as the beast rises from the abyss. Power will be given to him for a time, and times and the dividing of times as a new horn rips out three. He will rule the world terribly in the name of peace. Wickedness has ripened American citizen's souls to run cold and hearts to become hard to the truth. It is time for God to answer the cries of the early Saints as their blood calls from the dust.
The Constitution of the United States hangs by a thread as an ancient curse hovers over the land. Soon all the deadly, secret works that have infiltrated the people will vanish. God will not be mocked!
Two witnesses of God fight for Israel as it is trampled by the gentiles. The third temple rises as a cipher to the Jews. They know their Messiah is coming. Do you? It is the end of days and all is in commotion. (Publisher website)