Dr. Peters, Patrick's father has a research lab and was successful in making a break through with discovery of a cloning vector. A vector that could be very important in Genetic Engineering. A New York mobster makes a habit of stealing new developments in the research field. He does this by plying graduate students with beer and letting them tell him what is important and why. I Team is a book about bored youth that created a spy team to stir up a little excitement. Their make belief spy work becomes very real when they stumble onto a real case of people attempting to steal the new cloning vector. Patrick and Jeremy try to be helpful in solving the mystery. Instead they get kidnapped. Obnoxious Amanda has her problems with her stepfather, Walter. Luke struggles with a combative home and trying to survive parental discard. Amanda dislikes her stepfather and finds out he is a louse. The next book deals with life on the street as Amanda runs away from home.