This documentary looks at a few assertions of anti-Mormon propaganda and attempts to answer them.
"Answers the questions: Who was Joseph Smith? Was he a fraud? What is the Book of Mormon? Was it really written by Joseph Smith or did her really translate it from golden plates through divine inspiration? Are Mormons Christens? Is Mormonism a Cult? Are Mormon youth forced to serve Church missions? What is the status of women in the LDS church? What is the basis for anti-Mormon materials? Also, join James B. Allen ... for a brief tour of Church historical sites and a narrative of events that occurred at those sites. Dr. Allen explains how Joseph Smith translated the Book of Mormon; gives an account of early group of believers who established the LDS Church; and relates the martyrdom of the Church's first prophet"--Container.
"This video has been produced entirely by members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. While it is not an official publication of the Church, it contains candid and sincere statements about Mormon doctrine and faith" -- preface to video.