From cover:
In 1823, Joseph Smith was led by an angel to a hill near his home in Palmyra, New York. There young Joseph discovered a set of gold plates. A part of that sacred volume was later translater by the Prophet and became The Book of Mormon: Another Testament of Jesus Christ.
But is the place where the Prophet recovered the ancient record, known today as the "Hill Cumorah", the same "Cumorah" spoken of in the Book of Mormon? Is the site where Moroni hid an abridgement of the record of his people the same place where his father, Mormon, hid up the vast Nephite record handed from one generation to the next over an entire millennium? Is Palmyra the place where two great nations perished in battle?
We invite you to join Dave Asay and Randy Mellor for a fascinating adventure into Book of Mormon history and geography as they set out to answer these intriguing questions. Listen to what leading LDS scholars have to say based on recent findings and careful consideration of what the Book of Mormon tells us. See exclusive aerial footage of what many experts now believe to be the actual sites of Book of Mormon events. Travel to southern Mexico where you will come face-to-face with compelling evidence of "Ancient Cumorah".