At first it appeared that another Dark Sorcerer had arisen tin the land to plague the inhabitants of Furth. Undant, delf, elf, human, troll, and gnome feel the lash of his power. It is becoming clear that some other insidious malevolence is at work. Odeledan, the Exalted One of Fentressen, is frightened. His prayers are in vain; the Guardians are silent, and Furth is in turmoil. Lady Fiarah, the Historian of her people, has discovered that instead of a Dark Sorcerer, one of the High Ones, a Judge of Light has fallen. Who will be able to save them from this monumental evil? Is anyone to be trusted in these terrifying days? A chosen few step forward to battle the evil, and one of them is a Sorcerer of the Dark! Travel with Wit, Doylen, Lokfar, Azan, Fiarah, Adarlaedama, and others as they rush to save Furth from impending doom. Meet the mystical and holy Judges of Light in this exciting second volume of the Chronicles of Fiarah. [from publisher's web site]