For two and a half months Christopher Morris has been Brooke Williams' idea of the perfect man--attractive, charming, and fun to be around. But over the last two weeks, he has begun to act strangely, becoming possessive, controlling, and moody. Brooke feels that she has no choice but to break up with him. But Christopher does not take it well. And as he wildly drives her back home, they are involved in a car accident.
That's when Brooke first meets police officer Greg Stevens. And she keeps meeting him--at the worst possible times, and they soon begin dating.
Greg confesses that he is a widower, and that Brooke is the first woman he has so much as looked at in three years. But even as Brooke agonizes over whether Greg will ever be able to truly love her, Christopher makes a dangerous return into Brooke's life. Threatening that if he can't have her, then no one can!
In Lost Without You, talented first-time author Annette Lyon delivers a delightfully gripping novel about the occasionally treacherous path to true love, and one woman's unexpected journey along it. [publisher's blurb]