Time travel-Fiction; Mormons-Fiction; United States--History--Civil War, 1861-1865--Fiction.
Amber Saxton is a bright young LDS doctor on the cutting edge of twenty-first century medicine. But when she has a head-on collision with a swinging door, life as she knows it is suddenly reduced to a heart full of searing memories when she awakens in another time and place. How can she practice modern medicine on a Civil War battlefield--and how can she get out of this mess? She longs for her comfortable apartment and her dear little Primary class, but she's trapped in a world that is not her own. And it's anything but friendly.
Meanwhile, Tyler Montgomery, an overworked accountant, is spending the night at his computer, preparing for an audit, when two of his worst nightmares walk through his office door. The last thing he remembers is a blow from the butt of their sawed-off shotgun--until he comes to in a tiny room adjacent to a nineteenth-century Army hospital. I've died and I'm not in heaven, he thinks.
Amber and Tyler have just begun the adventure of their lives, fraught with danger, intrigue, and unbelievable discoveries at every turn. Thrown together in a world apart, they must somehow find their way back to the present. But first, they need to find each other and learn what matters most in life. Can they meet the test--or will it cost them their lives before they can unravel the mystery of generations past?
Fist-time novelist Nancy Campbell Allen has created a riveting story filled with enough adventure and romance to last two lifetimes! [publisher's blurb]