Are you a "robot parent?" Do you respond automatically to daily family problems with impulsive criticism and scolding? Or you caught in the "double-image dilemma?" Are you known in public as a wise and understanding person, but in the home you are rigid, stern, and demanding? is your home frequently a "battle scene" rather than a haven of peace and contentment? If your answer to any of these queries is "yes" and you want to change and improve, then Love Power is the book for you! In this book a trained psychologist suggests useable approaches for restoring love, harmony, and enjoyment to family life. The Author shows that there are behavioral laws which govern human relationships, and tells how to successfully apply those laws. He gives specific suggestions for personal growth, such as "tips on Short Circulting Negative Impulses," "Ten steps in Reconditioning Parents," and "Fifteen steps Toward Free-Flowing Love."