—It was a long few minutes before Joseph finally got control of his emotions and lifted his head to look into Mary’s eyes. “Please,” he said softly, “please forgive me. I…I doubted you, and…”
She placed a finger gently against his lips. “Shh, it is all right.” She smiled lovingly at him, then stroked a cheek with her hand. “God has shown you, hasn’t He.”
Joseph nodded. “A dream. It…it was so clear, Mary! An Angel…his message…I…” He bit his lip against the tears that once more flowed from the corners of his eyes.
“I love you, Joseph,” Mary said, getting to her knees and taking his face in her hands. “God has chosen a good man to raise His Son.”
Joseph’s heart ached with love for her unlike anything he had ever felt before. He took her gently into his arms and held her close. “I will not fail you…” he said softly. “I will not fail either of you.”
“Yes, I know,” Mary said. “I know.” She wrapped her arms tightly around her husband and slowly closed her eyes. Nor had God failed her. Joseph knew.—
In this remarkable new historical novel, best-selling author Robert Marcum focuses his considerable talent on perhaps the most challenging topic of his career: telling the sweet, complex, and exhilarating story of Mary and Joseph, Jesus’ earthly parents and two of the most important people in His mortal life and ministry.
Extensively researched, this rich, immersive story presents Mary and Joseph as real people who were prepared by Heavenly Father to raise the Savior as a mortal, a son who was willing and prepared to do His Father’s bidding. We learn of the unique challenges in keeping their vital secret, while also trying to fully understand what raising the Messiah really means. As we follow them from Nazareth to Bethlehem, to Egypt and back to Nazareth, we learn to love them for how they responded to this important calling, to the needs of others, to each other, and to God.