Minor Details is the story of four teenage girls, who attend the prestigious Danforth Academy. Danforth Academy boasts of being the school of choice for the upper crust of teen society.
Our four girls, Paige, Abby, Claire and Taylor hail from different backgrounds and economic situations. While struggling for identity and survival in the most popular of popular schools, they form a friendship and alliance that proves to be beneficial to themselves and the reputation of Danforth Academy, as they are called upon to solve mysteries and expose the perpetrators.
Paige and Claire are the newbies at the school. Taylor and Abby are comfortable in their position as returning students. Sparks fly immediately between Paige and Abby. Rivalries abound during the first week at Danforth.
However when students and faculty suddenly become ill for no apparent reasons, the four girls join forces to solve this and other mysteries that befall Danforth Academy. Are the culprits Riley and Mia, the mean rich girls? Could it be Emily the principal's eccentric daughter? Maybe it's Sean the nerd, or even Professor Plume the science teacher?
The girls soon discover that when they join forces, they are a formidable team, and once they put old disagreements aside and combine their strengths, there's no mystery they cannot solve.