Lazarus, of Bethany, Saint--Fiction; Jesus Christ--Fiction; Bible. N.T.--History of Biblical events--Fiction; Christian saints--Palestine--Fiction
In the days leading up the great Atonement, Jesus Christ stood before an open tomb outside of the little hamlet of Bethany and commanded, "Lazarus, come forth!" Shortly, a man came shambling out of the cave, still bound in gravescloth, in response to the summoning of the Master. But one might ask, whatever happened to Lazarus after his resurrection by the hand of the Son of God? Did he live, only to die of old age at a later time? Or did he return from paradise as a changed man, in a quickened state, to live on as an immortal among the children of men?
Miracle Man : The Lazarus Chronicles explores the precept of an immortal Lazarus, traveling the world from the ascension of Christ to the present, and the lives he might have touched in his our unique way. Perhaps it was he that inspired the laws of chivalry in the courts of Camelot, or helped a king find the strength within to lead his country to independence. Maybe it was he who taught Da Vinci about the people he painted as the artist labored on his masterpiece of "The Last Supper." Lazarus crosses paths with the apostle John occasionally as time passes, and at times is helped by a mischievous angel named Raphael. But the overwhelming messages of this novel are ones of service to others, of the secret talents we each are endowed with and why, and of recognizing the hand of the Lord in all things. [from publisher website]