Sailors--Fiction; London (England)--Social life and customs--19th century--Fiction
A regency twist on My Fair Lady!
Jack Eliot dreams of being the captain of his own ship. But then his grandfather, the Earl of Stansworth, names Jack as his heir—with a caveat. Jack must impress the aristocracy, or else his mother and sister will remain in poverty. Can a rough-and-tumble captain be transformed into a gentleman of society?
Ivy Carlisle is willing to try. Employed as his tutor, she begins teaching Jack the ways of high society, but she quickly discovers that this dashing sailor is brash and bold, opinionated and passionate. If she’s not careful, Jack might end up teaching her a thing or two about romance.
Sparks fly when the sailor meets society, and Jack soon learns that his challenge isn’t surviving the ton, but surviving the conspiracies against him—as well as keeping himself from falling madly in love with his new tutor.