Procyx . . . the primitive elder race of the Mhyrnians called it. It meant simply the EndStar. Procyx appeared at the edge of the Galaxy, just as ancient Mhyrnian texts had predicted. To scientists it was a fascinating anomaly, for it seemed to be a star that shone in only one color--a single frequency of pure, blue light.
But then nearby worlds began to crumble, spinning into fiery deaths while their suns exploded or smothered out in a dreadful finality called Hypermotility. The Mhyrnians had predicted this too. Their legends claimed that Procyx might spell not only the end of every star and planet in the galaxy, but an inescapable doom for the entire universe.
Humanity's only hope lay in the Vanguards, mythical vessels of irresistible power. Yet it seemed these wondrous ships of light were only myths. Meanwhile, centuries passed. More and more star systems died and nothing could be done to stop the spread of Procyx's cancerous ruin. Unless the Mhyrnians had an answer for this too.