Frontier and pioneer life--West (U.S.)--Fiction; Mormon pioneers--Fiction.
When fate brings two escaped convicts, a duchess, and a young survivor from the wagon train massacre together, a remarkable series of events occur.
Elizabeth studied the people passing by. The women looked worn and tired; the men were mostly grim of countenance. Still there was a stalwart look about them. Something in each man's face spoke of determination and serenity. They were greatly different than the crowd of noisy drunks in the saloon. The men passing had a look of confidence. Maybe it was their faith that had led them on this journey to unknown parts. Her intuition told her they would survive whatever befell them. Closing her eyes, she wove a little fantasy in which such a man as this rescued her from her own dismal life-not necessarily a religious man, but one of strength and determination. He would have to be a cut above any man she'd ever known. If such a man as she envisioned really existed, she'd yet to meet him. [from publisher website]