End of the world--Fiction; Millennium (Eschatology)--Fiction
Economies are failing, terrorist acts are becoming more extreme, and chaos is spreading throughout the world as more signs of the times appear. The chasm between good and evil is widening. Now, safely hidden in Salt Lake City, Merry Galen feverishly works on an antidote to MetaGen’s AllSafe vaccine before this biological time bomb kills millions who can no longer afford the required booster doses.
Meanwhile her rescuers face the wrath of MetaGen officers, and the courageous Callata family is forced from their San Diego home to an area that may be even more dangerous to dedicated Mormons. Thousands of miles away, their missionary son also faces peril as the evil General Garza continues to seize control of a succession of Latin American countries.
The political and social fabric of the world is disintegrating as a rising storm of natural disasters changes the face of the earth. It is a time when deception makes it difficult to discern good from evil—a time when everyone must choose whose side they’re on.