Smith, Joseph, 1805-1844--Assassination--Fiction; Smith, Hyrum, 1800-1844--Assassination--Fiction; Richards, Willard, 1804-1854--Fiction; Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints--History--19th century--Fiction
The intent of the mob that attacked Carthage Jail was to leave no survivors to tell the truth of what happened. But two men survived. One of them, in fulfillment of prophecy, was unharmed. That man was Willard Richards. No man knew the personal and intimate life of the Joseph Smith better than did Willard Richards. Joseph himself declared that fact in a letter to Elder Richards' wife in 1842: "I never had a greater intimacy with any man, than with your husband."
Willard Richards was the Prophet's personal secretary and Church Historian. In addition, he was with Joseph almost every minute of every day during the final weeks of the Prophet's life. And he was present at Carthage Jail when Joseph died.
Because he was an eyewitness to the betrayal, treachery, and conspiracy that led to the murder of the Prophet, Elder Richards was in a unique position to recount the story of the martyrdom. As told in the historic words of Willard Richards was in a unique position to recount the story of the renowned author and lecturer, Ted Gibbons, relives Joseph's last days and events that permitted him to seal his testimony with his own blood. [from publisher website]